Wednesday, August 21, 2019

"Only I (The Second Coming) Can Fix It" (UPDATED)

Malignant narcissist and delusional demagogue Donald "Two Corinthians" Trump is cultivating his Messiah complex for his cult base:

Wayne Allyn Root, btw, is a notorious conspiracy theorist and bigot who has often espoused anti-Semitic tropes. The response to Trump's tweet (which so-called evangelicals should find blasphemous) didn't spare his sinful ass:

This is psychiatric ward / rubber room territory for someone who has consistently displayed signs of mental illness and sociopathy. And remember that he has his small fingers on the nuclear button.

UPDATE:  Not surprisingly, the megalomaniac narcissist believes it ("Lock him up... in a padded room!") --


  1. I watched part of Trump's ramble-thon yesterday. In context, his claim to be the Chosen One was in response to starting a tariff war with China. He claimed that Obama had been fooled and intimidated by China, so he, Trump, is the Chosen One to take on China.

    However, Trump looked Heavenward when he said it, and he had just tweeted about the whole “second coming” jibberish. So there's no doubt in my mind that he truly believes he is Kinglike and a Saviour. He's been told again and again by sycophants and suckups through the years that he should be king and he has done everything in his power as president to make it so. He ignores rules, regulations. laws. He is destroying our government from the top down, and we are suffering for it. His isolationist, nationalistic rule is ruining relationships globally and internally.

    Since Republicans refuse to acknowledge this travesty of a president, we must rally in record numbers next year to vote him out. If we cannot beat the loaded courts to oust him, we have to fund his opponents and nominate the Democrat who can beat him. And then we take back our country.
