Friday, August 2, 2019

QOTD -- Theory And Reality

"Folks: Whether to achieve fully universal health care through a pure single-payer system or an expanded version of Obamacare is an interesting theoretical discussion. Neither is remotely possible until a Democrat replaces President Trump and another replaces Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

"Some of you candidates need to focus on Trump. Some of you others need to go home and run for the Senate."  --  Eugene Robinson in today's Washington Post.  Couldn't put it better.

BONUSEd Kilgore is even more specific.  So is Paul Campos.  Their opinions, not necessarily ours.


  1. I agree! Put all of that money and time to good use. We need the Senate majority and we need to show unity and perseverence. Democrats are necessary to save everyone from complete ruin. Let the strongest candidates focus on the presidency and the rest take up a drive for the Senate.

  2. donnah -- the winnowing can't start soon enough!

  3. for damn sure - it's soooo obvious!

    are the dims smart enough to finger this out? probably not.

    when the biggys of the party actively put out progressives but of course want biden.

    he needs to go away.
