Friday, August 2, 2019

Weekend Music Twofer

After a too- long hiatus, indie band Wilco is releasing a new album, "Ode To Joy,"  in October.  It's first single, "Love Is Everywhere (Beware)", is just a beautiful Jeff Tweedy song, almost worth the wait.

It seems this is the year of folk- rock documentaries.  In May, we had "Echo In The Canyon," a look at the L.A. music scene centered around Laurel Canyon in the 60's.  Now, "David Crosby: Remember My Name" is in theaters, and we were inspired to go back to one of his songs featured in "Echo..." from his days with The Byrds, "What's Happening?"  It features some signature Byrds guitar euphoria and Crosby's great honey tenor.  Hope you enjoy.

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