Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Trump's Deep Obama Envy Goes International

The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson has a column today that looks at sociopath and incompetent buffoon Donald "The Chosen One" Trump's sick obsession with President Obama. It oozed forth again at the G7 summit in Biarritz, when Trump excused Russia's invasion and annexation of Crimea and claimed that Russia was expelled from the G8 as a result of Obama being "embarrassed."
"One of the things that genuinely seems to matter to Trump is comparing himself — favorably, of course — with his predecessor, no matter how delusional the rationale. Trump gave an illustration at the end of the Group of Seven summit when he insisted to reporters that former president Barack Obama had been 'outsmarted' by Russian President Vladimir Putin. [snip] In Trump’s fanciful version...Crimea was 'taken away from President Obama. . . . It was very embarrassing to him.' That embarrassment, Trump falsely claims, is the only reason Russia was kicked out of the group. Trump wants Russia readmitted. Almost all the other leaders who met in Biarritz disagree, so it’s not happening."
Trump's eager to show his loyalty to Putin in exchange for favorable treatment of Trump's future business deals in Russia, assuming he can stay out of prison for his multiple felonies. He also feels gratitude toward the Kremlin for their role in installing him in the Oval Office. He'll certainly go against the wishes of his G7 counterparts and invite Putin to his emoluments fest next year (after all, it's not like he hasn't accepted Russian rubles before).

But what's the source of Trump's resentment and envy toward Obama? Racism is certainly a big part. Trump knows that history will treat Obama better that it will treat him (historians are already judging Trump as the very worst), and he can't stand that an African-American rates higher than he does. Trump's seething envy and hatred likely was ramped up after the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner, where he was thoroughly mocked by Obama and others in front of a large audience of media, political and entertainment figures, people he craves approval from.

Trump will continue to try to undermine Obama's legacy out of sheer spite and envy. The fact that he's made that clear on an international stage is all the more shameful.

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