Monday, August 26, 2019

Today In Moscow Mitch

The conniving bastard found another monkey wrench to throw into our elections:
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) — intended to be a group of no more than three Democrats and no more than three Republicans overseeing the federal campaign finance system — has been operating with just a bare quorum of four for the past 18 months. With the resignation of Vice Chairman Matthew Petersen, at the end of the week, the commission will be virtually paralyzed.
The reason for this: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his Republican-controlled U.S. Senate.
The FEC is a peculiar agency. It was created in 1974 to enforce finance laws for House, Senate, presidential, and vice presidential campaigns. Unlike most agencies, neither party is allowed to hold a working majority of seats at any time...
What does this mean?  Put succinctly,

The F.E.C. isn't much of a campaign cop, but what limited powers it has to monitor campaigns and campaign spending are now going to be gone.  If you want to steal an election, that's certainly a place to start.

Moscow Mitch/ Massacre Mitch needs to go, along with Putin's other "Chosen One" puppet.  We like Amy McGrath as a strong candidate to run against him.  

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