Thursday, September 19, 2019

BOOM: Trump Pledge To Foreign Leader Prompted "Urgent" Whistleblower Complaint

The Washington Post has uncovered what many suspected was at the root of the intelligence community's whistleblower complaint of "urgent concern":
The whistleblower complaint that has triggered a tense showdown between the U.S. intelligence community and Congress involves President Trump’s communications with a foreign leader, according to two former U.S. officials familiar with the matter.
Trump’s interaction with the foreign leader included a “promise” that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community, said the former officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
It was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver, but his direct involvement in the matter has not been previously disclosed. It raises new questions about the president’s handling of sensitive information and may further strain his relationship with U.S. spy agencies. One former official said the communication was a phone call. 
This is not the only time Putin's puppet has engaged in conduct that puts our intelligence assets and systems in danger.   He blabbed mindlessly to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador about a highly classified, sensitive Israeli intelligence operation in May 2017.  The content of his discussions with Putin in Helsinki and elsewhere have never been disclosed, though the Russians surely have the goods for kompromat purposes. Then again, there's the Saudi connection.  FFS, there's a whole Wikipedia page devoted to the nitwit's disclosures of classified information!

As has been said, the greatest threat to our national security is sitting in the Oval Office.

BONUS:  Looks like the Post story helped shake things loose --



donnah said...

Honestly, I would love to see this vile excuse for a human being taken down, and really, by any means possible. I hope there's something to this newest revelation.

But honestly, I'm jaded in my old age. I believe now that they could have a recording of Trump selling the US to Russia and have receipts in hand, and nothing would come of it. Even if they figure out that Trump has done something illegal and they can prove it, it would be bogged down in the courts and overturned by Republican judges.

I hate that I have become so resigned to the fact that we are stuck with this abomination, but every “new revelation” turns out to be a dud, or if it's a real threat against him, his protectors rise and dismiss it.

Let's hope that at some point, I'm proven wrong. I'd be happy to eat my words.

W. Hackwhacker said...

donnah -- your skepticism is well- warranted!