Tuesday, September 10, 2019

QOTD -- Dangerous Avalanche Tumbling Down

"It’s just an avalanche of disordered personality traits, the lying, the pathological lying, the self-aggrandizement, the detachment from reality, the extreme narcissism, the misogyny, the ruthlessness, lack of remorse. All of those things are absolutely on public display, and the idea that as citizens, we’re not supposed to make judgments, reasoned judgments about those things as they’re unfolding before our eyes, I think is silly and irresponsible.

“I’ve worked in three administrations. I worked in the White House as a senior adviser for seven years, and one of the things I came away from is the belief that even more than policy — and I care a lot about policy, I spent my life in policy — even more than that, what matters most is the president’s temperament, his disposition, his judgment, his prudence, his wisdom.  And Donald Trump is not only worse than any president that we’ve had, he’s light years worse than anybody we’ve ever seen in political life. And that’s just a big, big danger.” --  Peter Wehner, former official in the Reagan, Bush I and Bush II administrations, on CNN last night.

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"Belatedly, Trump evidently realized that he was surrendering to America’s enemies on U.S. soil, desecrating the memory of the most solemn day in modern U.S. history and insulting those who have fought and died in a worthy cause. Should we be relieved? Or terrified as we await the next cockamamie idea, “unbeknownst” to all, to tumble from his disorganized brain?" --  Dana Milbank, perhaps giving Trump too much credit for "realizing" that his dreamed- for grip- and- grin with Taliban emissaries at Camp David on the eve of the 9/11 anniversary just might backfire.  In the end, all he wanted was his headline, and he got it.

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