Sunday, September 29, 2019

QOTD: Trump's Disordered Mind On Display

Writing in The Concourse / Deadspin, writer David Roth looks at mentally unstable sociopath and incompetent schemer Donald "The Chosen One" Trump's incoherence and inability to process information, other than the dreck he gets from his favorite media channels. He burps back what he's seeing and hearing from his manipulating friends on Fux, etc. because his failing mind has the intellectual curiosity and attention span of a small mammal. Here's one excerpt:
"The more worrying part of all this is that there is fundamentally nothing to know about most of what he talks about. Every rank thought-chunk that clears his blowhole is either some legacy beef or bigotry or something Trump learns from his television shows, which feed him attenuated suspicions, a list of ominous what-abouts that hint at some sort of outcome but stop well short of it, and a bunch of leading questions that, by design, cannot be answered. All of this is supposed to shore up a worldview and generate specific political outcomes, but mostly it aims to create a mood—a coiled and claustrophobic sense of being under siege, by someone—more than it does to answer any of the questions it hints at. It doesn’t really add up to anything, but also it can’t; the game is to accumulate. [snip]
Donald Trump is one of the worst people his generation produced, a vain and vicious and relentlessly exploitive nullity. But there is something pitiable in watching him try to defend himself with the weapons he’s been given by the culture that created him. He opens his mouth to answer for what he’s done and finds that these silly, sordid questions are all he has."  (our emphasis)
The whole article is brutally on target and a must read. The concerning part is, now that the impeachment inquiry is underway, that his mind will unravel more and he will do more lasting damage than he's already done to the nation.

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