Monday, September 16, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Dementia Don, Cont.

Let's go to the videotape!

Doubtless, Trump's waiting for further instructions from Mohammed "Bone Saw" bin Salman.


  1. It's like Sharpiegate all over again. You'd think that by now Trump and his “team” would realize that there are records of everything he says. And when he flatly denies that he said or did something, we all have evidence of it and we're not going to forget it. He s a liar, a brazen one, and we have to continue reminding the Republicans that we do not accept his lies.

    Now there's initial evidence that Iran was the source of those drone attacks on Saudi oil fields. Trump just said today that he doesn't want to go to war, but who knows what he's going to do? He refuses to take advice about strategy or diplomacy, and if he's going to go with his gut on serious global matters like this, we're in a world of hurt.

    Nobody trusts him, nor should they.

  2. donnah -- this may be the world- shaking crisis we all hoped a narcissistic nitwit like Trump would never face.
