Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- A Very Bad Person

He should know a lot about "bad people";  they're in his mirror and all around him.

(He could name the S.S. St. Louis episode, another moral stain in our country's history.)

BONUS:  A reminder that if you want to contribute to Hurricane Dorian relief for the devastated Bahamas, there are links to worthy organizations here.


  1. Every day, in every way, he's getting worse,. And considering where he started, that's a terrible descent.

    America, land of the free, home of the brave is now America, don't you dare show up without your papers. Or have dark skin.

  2. donnah -- you know it would be a wholly different attitude if the people were from, say, Norway or Slovenia...

  3. Sad, and true. And they would all have advanced degrees.
