Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rethugs Lie About "Do Nothing" Dems In House

In addition to cynically whining about the process of the impeachment inquiry, which House Dems have more than addressed, a recurring line from the White (Supremacist) House and their Rethug stooges is what a shame those Dems are focused on impeachment rather that the public's business. People that have been watching Congress over the past 18 months have surely noticed that the House Dems have passed a slew of legislation -- ranging from voting rights and election security to environmental and climate change protections -- only to be ignored by the despicable, evil nihilist Senate Majority Leader, Sen. "Moscow Mitch" McConnell who won't bring them up for a vote. "Do Nothing" is a label best applied to Moscow Mitch and his Rethugs. You can find the list of bills passed by the House and awaiting Senate action here, and it's a long list of more than 200 bills.

Knowing that their party / philosophy / record is built of a network of lies and distortions, it's no surprise that Rethuglicans are lying about this, too, and should be called on it every time it's brought up. Their Dear Leader in the Oval Office is the perfect manifestation of the dishonest, rotted out, shameless crew that they are.


  1. Oh, Moscow Mitch is doing. He's stacking the courts with unqualified republican judges. He's still grifting. He's stil lying. Yeah, he's still doing.
