Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Lackey Says Wut?


  1. At least Kevin acknowledges History will tinkle on his legacy... Oh who am I kidding with the Republicans willing to destroy the Earth and explicitly threatening Civil War, there won't be a 'Murica in the future.

  2. Gene -- that's what it's all about, and why we have to prepare for it.

  3. So many of the Republican representatives just look dumb. Whenever Kevin's on camera, he has that confused, deer-in-the-headlights look. And Louie Gohmert always sounds like Gramps-is-off-his-meds, truly ranting and raving. And you've got Gym Jordan, no jacket, and he's running his mouth in a crazed fever pitch.

    The ones who still sound semi-sane are busy repeating the talking points they've been given, spoken with absolute conviction with a touch of hurt feelings that the Democrats are so mean.

    It's the same show, played over and over.
