Thursday, October 31, 2019

Meet The Newest White House Hire

It's Donald "Beelzebub" Trump's "spiritual advisor" (let that register), prosperity gospel grifter Paula White!  What will she be doing while on the public payroll?
Paula White, a televangelist based in Florida and personal pastor to President Trump whom he has known since 2002, has joined the Trump administration in an official capacity, according to a White House official.
Ms. White will work in the Office of Public Liaison, the official said, which is the division of the White House overseeing outreach to groups and coalitions organizing key parts of the president’s base. Her role will be to advise the administration’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative, which Mr. Trump established last year by executive order and which aims to give religious groups more of a voice in government programs devoted to issues like defending religious liberty and fighting poverty.
As you might expect, she's been having some pretty strong hallucinations that she can now have in the White (not Paula's) House:
Paula White, a televangelist who is a key spiritual adviser to and supporter of President Donald Trump, appeared on “The Jim Bakker Show” today, where she declared that Christians will stand accountable before God if they don’t vote for Trump in 2020, because he is filling the federal judiciary with judges who will not allow states to outlaw the Bible. [snip]
“If we can change the Supreme Court,” White said, “you don’t think all Hell is trembling right now?”
They have already passed legislation in states that says the Bible is a book of hate speech,” she baselessly claimed. “It is only a matter of time. Those laws are already passed.”  (our emphasis)
Get the net!

Then there's this:
Donald Trump's spiritual adviser has suggested that people send her money in order to transform their lives, or face divine consequences.
Paula White, who heads up the president's evangelical advisory committee, suggested making a donation to her ministries to honor the religious principle of "first fruit," which she said is the idea that all firsts belong to God, including the first harvest and, apparently, the first month of your salary.
"Right now I want you to click on that button, and I want you to honor God with his first fruits offering," she said in a video shared to her website, in which she encourages her followers to donate to her ministries to get blessings from God.
"If God doesn't divinely step in and intervene, I don't know what you're going to face—he does," she said.  [snip]
In her newest video, the pastor encourages people to send her money, stating, "Each January, I put God first and honor him with the first of our substance by sowing a first fruits offering of one month's pay. That is a big sacrifice, but it is a seed for the harvest I am believing for in the coming year. And God always provides!"  (our emphasis)
"Send me your money, or God knows what'll happen to you!"  So that's how the prosperity gospel works!

For more on the new White House employee pulling down a taxpayer- funded paycheck, just Google "Paula White grifter."  A great fit.

(Photo:  Is that what's called "laying hands on"?)


  1. Since Trump lacks any degree of spirituality or faith, this hire is just a political ploy by Trump's handlers to secure the Evangelical votes. He couldn't quote Scripture if his life depended on it and he couldn't name the Ten Commandments, even though he's broken most of them himself.

  2. donnah -- yes, we remember "2 Corinthians." In the prosperity gospel grift, Trump comes closest to a philosophy that he can get behind: God rewards those she favors with wealth. That's just what the narcissist wants to hear.
