Friday, November 1, 2019

Texas Poll: Plurality Favor Impeachment Inquiry

Texas has long been a solid Republican state, voting for demagogue and pathological liar Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump by a 9 point margin in 2016. So it was something of a surprise to see the new University of Texas / Texas Tribune poll of Texas voters favor the impeachment inquiry by a margin of 46% to 42%. Also interesting is the number of independent voters, who also favor the inquiry by 46% to 32%. The poll also indicates that 43% favor his removal from office, with a slightly larger 44% saying "no."

As the inquiry moves into the open hearing phase, expect more of the "unsure" voters to see the evidence against Trump and decide that not only is impeachment warranted, but also his removal from office before he further corrupts the 2020 elections.


  1. Lemme start off by saying that I hate polls. They are unreliable and they are deceptive.

    What I want to see is a massive effort by the Democrats to spell things out in clear, plain language, dispelling the lies being broadcast by the Republicans. Spell out why we need impeachment proceedings and why the upcoming election is life or death for our democracy. I think our candidates should also be talking about their key positions on everything, but keep mentioning how important it is to be back in control.

    Republicans will continue to paint this impeachment as a witch hunt, so we need to make clear how vital it is to everyone, minorities and majorities alike. Truth has to win out.

  2. donnah -- We couldn't agree more with you.
