Saturday, October 19, 2019

Trump's Obscene Lie About The Kurds

From pathological liar and Kremlin asset Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump yesterday:
"It was a lot of, a lot of pain for a couple of days and sometimes you have to go through some pain before you can get a good solution, but the Kurds are very happy about it." 
From accounts of Kurds fleeing the Turkish incursion, despite announcement of a "ceasefire":
"In spite of a temporary cease-fire announced Thursday between the Turkish military and Kurdish Syrian forces, aid officials are still making contingency plans to host up to 50,000 refugees.

In less than a week, as U.S. troops left and the Turks advanced, the Syrian Kurds' dream that Rojava would survive as an autonomous Kurdish region of Syria came crashing down.

'I love Rojava but I'm afraid of [living in] Rojava,' says Najah Raso, a Kurdish schoolteacher sitting behind her 14-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son on the black plastic seats of a bus. 'I'm afraid not just for me, but for my daughter. ... When the airstrikes started, my daughter was terrified. We didn't believe we would see the sun rise.'"
There are continued attacks on the Syrian Kurds as they fall back, not only from the Turks, but from Syrian militia who are made up of former al Qaeda fighters and extremists. This is a massive humanitarian disaster brought about by Trump's reckless, cowardly caving to Turkish strongman Erdogan. To say that the Kurds are "very happy about it" is obscene.