Friday, November 8, 2019

"Investigations, Biden, And Clinton" (UPDATED)

The transcript of last month's testimony by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs George Kent, released yesterday, paints a clear picture of what was behind the military assistance for dirt shakedown of Ukraine by crime family boss Donald "The Dumb Don" Trump and his consigliere Rudy "You Have A Fool For A Lawyer" Giuliani: 
A senior State Department official described in perhaps the starkest terms to date President Trump’s shadow efforts to force Ukraine’s leadership to open investigations that would benefit him politically, according to a transcript of his impeachment inquiry testimony released Thursday.
Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent, who oversaw Ukraine policy, told lawmakers that Trump demanded that the country’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, announce investigations into the 2016 U.S. election, Trump’s former rival Hillary Clinton and former vice president Joe Biden, a possible 2020 challenger, in exchange for an Oval Office meeting.
Trump “wanted nothing less than President Zelensky to go to a microphone and say investigations, Biden and Clinton,” Kent told House impeachment investigators. (our emphasis)
That's still more corroboration, beyond the intelligence community whistleblower's complaint, beyond the sworn testimony by multiple witnesses, beyond the self- owns by Trump himself and his squidgy little COS Mick Mulvaney, that there was a shakedown/ bribe/ extortion effort being coordinated by Trump and Giuliani to have Ukraine manufacture a "scandal" to dirty up the Bidens.  Of course, the story also involves the Putin- approved narrative that it was Ukraine that had been tampering in our elections to benefit Hillary Clinton, rather than the truth that the entire U.S. intelligence community plus the Mueller investigation had concluded:  it was Russia working to place its favored candidate Trump in the White (Supremacist) House.

Kent, as well as another witness to the shakedown effort, Ambassador William Taylor, are scheduled to be the first witnesses for the public impeachment inquiry hearings on Wednesday.  Expect the rotted- out Republicans to try to distract, demean and delay as much as possible, both before and during the hearing, the on-going attacks on the intelligence community whistleblower being just one example.  Unlike those that have come forward, they place party above country, now and forever.

UPDATE:  The intelligence community whistleblower's attorney has sent a cease and desist letter to the White House, cautioning about the "legal and ethical peril" Trump and his surrogates are putting themselves in by their attacks.

UPDATE II:  Transcripts of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's and Fiona Hill's testimonies have also been released and are summarized at the links.  Both, as expected and as previously suggested, are brutal to Trump and his toadies, and outline a pattern of deception and coverup following the July 25 phone call with Ukraine's president.

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