Tuesday, November 19, 2019

QOTD: America's "Anti-President"

Harvard University professor of constitutional law Laurence Tribe has a devastating article in Newsweek, in which he demolishes pro-Russian, corrupt demagogue Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump. An excerpt:
"After just one week of public impeachment hearings, Donald Trump has unmistakably emerged as America's anti-president, the very model of the charlatan George Washington warned might be overtaken by 'the insidious wiles of foreign influence.'

We have learned that Trump is so obsessed with the legitimacy of his 2016 election—and so terrified of becoming a private citizen (subject to indictment and imprisonment) after the 2020 election—that he embraces a conspiratorial myth of Ukrainian responsibility for Russian lawlessness hatched by an oligarch in Vladimir Putin's orbit. We have heard an official's first-hand account of a president so beholden to Putin that he blithely dismisses Russia's aggression as not 'big stuff' compared with a public announcement by Ukraine's new president to the effect that, contrary to fact, its government is investigating (nonexistent) corruption by Trump's political rival."  (our emphasis)
Read the whole article by Professor Tribe. It's a masterful, detailed explanation of Trump's corrupt motives and his compromised position.


  1. Riffed from Antisocial by Anthrax;

    The money is all that you desire
    Why don't you pack it in and retire?
    It's common sense you can't fool me
    I'm just the money that you can't let free
    Rainy day genius clouds your mind
    Don't you realize the blind lead the blind?

    You're anti, you're anti presidential
    You're anti, you're anti presidential

  2. Gene -- Well done! Can't think of a more appropriate riff.

  3. I always enjoy seeing Lawrence Tribe on MSNBC. He's a non-nonsense authority on Constitutional matters and he is also outspoken about the criminal practices that Trump uses. It's immensely helpful when smart, educated, proven minds speak up and speak the teuth.

  4. donnah -- He's become the calm but outraged voice of the rule of law, watching a lawless Trump and his enablers trash the Constitution he reveres.
