Thursday, December 12, 2019

Fox TV Lawyer Dershowitz For The Defense?

It's reported that demagogue and mentally unstable con man Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump wants the Senate trial to consider the Articles of Impeachment to be a three-ring circus, calling the whistleblower, Joe Biden and others to distract from his self-interested shakedown of Ukraine. Senate Rethug Majority Leader Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell is reportedly resisting Trump's pressure to put on a reality show of his liking.

The news that Trump is considering Alan Dershowitz as one of his lawyers for him in the Senate trial would fit the circus theme. A defense alumnus of the O.J. Simpson trial, and of the accused wife murderer Claus von Bülow, Dershowitz would add his contrarian sophistry that he's honed as a constant fixture on Fox TV's prime time alt-Right programs. Alternatively, it should remind audiences of Dershowitz's own legal problems stemming from underage sex allegations from one of the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's victims, Virginia Giuffre, allegations that Dershowitz has denied. Trump and Epstein were buddies in the good old days of child trafficking.

As a con man and a former reality show host, Trump knows the power of distraction and entertainment where he's the center of attention. It's not likely he'll get his wish for a circus, but he won't stop trying.

(photo: Dershowitz pals Trump and Epstein, trafficking together)

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