Thursday, December 12, 2019

Gaetz Faceplants Trying To Shame Hunter Biden

Floriduh man and flaming tool Rep. Matt "Pot Meet Kettle" Gaetz got his smug rear end handed to him earlier today after he brought up former VP Joe Biden's son Hunter's acknowledged drug abuse history. Gaetz, who is one of the most extreme, disruptive wingnuts and defenders of Mango Mussolini in Congress, tried to score points against the Bidens when he said sarcastically:
“I don’t want to make light of anybody’s substance abuse issues... but it’s a little hard to believe that Burisma Holdings hired Hunter Biden to resolve its international disputes.”
That prompted Dem Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia to comment:
"The pot calling the kettle black is not something that we should do. I don't know what members, if any, have had any problems with substance abuse, been busted in DUI. I don't know. But if I did, I wouldn't raise it."
Zing! Gaetz's arrest in 2008 for DUI is well known. Gaetz walked into that haymaker by Rep. Johnson, well, like he was a bit tipsy. Well done, Rep. Johnson.

(photo: The Rethugs' poster boy for sobriety)


  1. You know, it's not enough that the Republicans are wrong-minded about most everything, they all have to go that extra mile into obnoxious, insane, and brayingly stupid. They showed themselves in all their glory again, with Collins leading the parade like a giant crybaby and Gaetz showing his hind end in a self-directed attempt to embarrass someone else.

    I loathe this ridiculous circus led by the party of wrong.

  2. donnah -- They've been that way for a very long time, but now their behavior is on steroids after the election of the bully and harasser in chief, who gives them permission for their increasingly outrageous behavior.
