The evil human/ turtle hybrid Robert Reich calls "the most dangerous politician" in his lifetime, Sen. Mitch "Moscow Mitch" McConnell is proud of the damage he's done, especially to the judiciary:
Hannity: "I was shocked that former President Obama left so many [judicial] vacancies and didn't try to fill those positions."— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) December 13, 2019
Mitch McConnell: "I'll tell you why. I was in charge of what we did the last two years of the Obama administration. [Creepy evil laugh]"
Pride goes before the fall, comrade.
Help support Moscow Mitch's most likely opponent in 2020, Amy McGrath. Let's get rid of this cancerous tumor on the American body politic once and for all.
Moscow Mitch will run the Senate vote in coordination with the White House. If the Democrats had multiple-sourced video and audio of Trump strangling a child and laughing as he did it, the Republicans would still acquit. It doesn't matter anymore; we are powerless with this mob.
ReplyDeletePrepare for Trump's constant gloating over being acquitted. He'll be a bigger asshole than he was after Mueller's report. But it can only last until the election, when the Democrats must get every single vote possible to get rid of the bloated orange disaster. We need to start now to fight back.
donnah -- sadly, true. If Dems can peel off one or two Senate Repubs to vote for conviction without losing one of theirs, it would be a symbolic victory (but we're not holding our breaths). The real victory needs to be real and happen next November, as you said.