Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- About That Bonkers Letter...


In "normal" times, this letter would be Exhibit A for a 25th Amendment removal of malignant moron Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump.  As we're not in not "normal" times, at least it will be fodder for tonight's late night comedy shows.  Sic transit gloria, America.

See post below.

BONUSJennifer Rubin --
What is most striking is the spectacle of the letter itself — a president so unhinged as to issue such an harangue; a White House entirely unable to stop him; a party so subservient to him that it would not trigger a search for a new nominee; a right-wing media bubble that will herald Trump for being Trump and excoriate Democrats for driving the president to this point; and a mainstream media not quite able to address a public temper-tantrum (resorting instead to euphemisms such as “scorching,” “searing,” etc.)...

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