Friday, January 24, 2020

All The Little Traitors: "The Base" Edition

Before heavily-armed right-wing gun fetishists gathered recently in Richmond, VA to loudly proclaim that the Dems were going to take their penis compensators guns away from them, several neo-Nazis were arrested by the FBI for planning to turn the rally into the beginning of a second "Civil War." Calling their group "The Base," these dangerous loons believe in an all-out, racist and treasonous war with anyone who doesn't follow their neo-Nazi doctrine.

The BBC is reporting today that the founder of the gang, a shitpile by the name of Rinaldo "Nazi-arro" Nazzaro, is running "The Base" from inside Russia. Go figure that a treasonous clown would ply his trade against the U.S. from Mother Russia. Nazzaro, who comically uses the aliases of "Norman Spear" and "Roman Wolf," has been in Russia for almost two years, as a "guest" of Putin's regime. From the BBC's investigation:
"Last year Nazzaro was listed as a guest at a Russian government security exhibition in Moscow, which 'focused on the demonstration of the results of state policy and achievements.' [snip]

A video posted online in March 2019 shows Nazzaro in Russia wearing a t-shirt bearing an image of President Vladimir Putin along with the words 'Russia, absolute power.'
We traced Nazzaro and his Russian wife to an upmarket property in central St Petersburg purchased in her name in July 2018 - the same month to which the FBI dates the creation of The Base." (our emphasis)
Nice touch: he has a Russian wife. What are the chances she's with Russia's security services. She purchases an "upmarket property" in her name, unquestionably with Kremlin funds. There's more:
"Records show that, before moving to Russia, Nazzaro ran a company registered in New York that offered access to a 'network of security professionals' with expertise in intelligence, counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, and psychological operations
A website for the firm - Omega Solutions - once stated: 'Our associates have worked with various government and military agencies, including multiple wartime deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.' 
When we visited the company's one-time address it was little more than a mail drop, although the firm officially remains active and has a current insurance policy."  (our emphasis)
While conducting his security "business," he was obviously recruited by Russian security services, which are always looking for dupes like Nazi-arro to undermine the U.S. from within. They found a real treasonous loser in this guy, whom we hope will be enjoying Russian winters for the rest of his life.

(photo: Members of the neo-Nazi group "The Base" bravely hiding their identities, while waving their "compensators" around)


  1. Interesting choice of name. Al-Qâ'idah, the name of a rather more prominent terrorist organization, means "The Base" in Arabic. I wonder if it's just coincidence or if the phallo-firearm fetishists were inspired in some way by bin Laden's notorious group.

  2. Infidel -- Both are violent fascistic, anti-Semitic terrorist organizations, so that's a possibility. But with the intellectual ability of these cretins, it's more likely a coincidence than something they researched in "Guns and Ammo."
