Friday, January 10, 2020

Articles Of Impeachment Moving Foward

Perhaps paying undue attention to our broken media which is impatient for a circus impeachment, and the usual let's-get-along handwringers in her own party, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced today that she's asked Judiciary Committee chair to bring a resolution to the House floor next week appointing managers and transmitting the articles of impeachment. Evil hack Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell is promising quick disposal of the articles, probably without any witnesses being called. Indeed, today, Moscow Mitch signed on to a resolution to dismiss the impeachment without considering the articles of impeachment themselves.

With the State of the Union scheduled for February 4, if Moscow Mitch succeeds in killing the impeachment before then, you can count on demagogue and corrupt moron Donald "Rump" Trump rubbing it in Dems' faces with a national audience watching, claiming "exoneration." As one observer had hoped:

With McConnell closely coordinating with the White (Supremacist) House to ensure the right outcome for Trump, it's just a matter of timing when Trump begins his victory lap.

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