Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bolton: Trump Did Favors For Autocrats

Reporting on former National Security Advisor John Bolton's unreleased manuscript has disclosed that Bolton expressed concerns to corrupt Trump defense lawyer Attorney General William "Low" Barr that con man and sociopath Donald "Impeached Forever" Trump was doing favors for foreign dictators.  Citing the rulers of Turkey and China specifically, the Bolton manuscript notes Trump's willingness to back off of a Justice Department investigation of one of Turkey's major state-owned banks in 2018, and his cancellation of penalties against Chinese government-backed telecom giant ZTE for violating trade sanctions against North Korea and Iran.

As a career white collar criminal in his business life, Trump won't do "favors" unless he gets something in return. In the case of both China and Turkey, Trump and his children have business dealings in both countries. Infamously, China granted grifter daughter Ivanka "Complicit" Trump multiple trademarks in May, 2018 just before Trump promised to save ZTE from collapsing. Regarding Turkey, the Trumps have extensive business investments there, led by Trump Towers Istanbul which generates millions of dollars in revenue for the Trumps. There was widespread speculation when Trump stood aside last year and let Turkey invade Syria and attack our Kurdish allies that it was a case of again putting his business interests before the country's.

Trump's habit of projecting his corruption and flaws on others may come home to roost given Bolton's claims. He and his family, with their "favors" from foreign dictators, make Hunter Biden look like a kid running a lemonade stand.

BONUS:  An excellent question:

BONUS II: Former White (Supremacist) House adult day care supervisor John Kelly weighs in on who he believes.

(photo: Is Bolton thinking, "I got you now, m-effer"? Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

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