Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Ernst Says Quiet Part Out Loud

Yesterday, Trump lickspittle Sen. Joni Ernst (R- Sty), not one of the brightest bulbs in the Republican chandelier, wanted to make sure that the Rudy "Colludy" Giuliani/ Russian intelligence agitprop about the Bidens' involvement in Ukraine was driven home after that dead horse was beaten by several on the Trump defense team.  So, she went on camera and said the quiet part out loud:
“I’m really interested to see how this discussion today informs and influences the Iowa caucus voters. Will they be supporting Vice President Biden at this point?
Subtlety is apparently not your strong suit, Sen. Ernst.

As we noted yesterday, the focus on the Bidens during the Trump defense presentations simply confirms the fact that Trump's Ukraine shakedown was about politics, not corruption, and that Trump and his band of sniveling enablers are eager to continue to spread lies fed them by Russian intelligence services in order to damage the Democrat they perceive as the greatest threat.

Ernst and her spineless colleagues aren't concerned about the existential threat Trump poses to our democracy and national security, of course.  With these hacks, it's always party before country, smears instead of truth.

She's up for re- election this year and is thought to be vulnerable.  Though we don't know yet who her most likely Democratic opponent is, she needs to go. 

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