Friday, January 17, 2020

Endangered Republican McSally's Cynical Move

Arizona's appointed wingnut Sen. Martha "McSnarly" McSally is in a very tight election race this year, and she needs all the phony issues she can muster, especially if she can use them in fundraising. Case in point: yesterday, while walking to her office, McSnarly was asked by CNN Congressional reporter Manu Raju about admitting new evidence as part of the impeachment trial of demagogue and fraudster Donald "A Favor, Though" Trump.  Here's the vid:

From all indications, Raju is a respected reporter on Capitol Hill, known for asking tough but fair questions to both Dems and Republicans. This wasn't even a tough question, and one that she could have responded to with a "no comment" rather than her slur. But it plays well with the Trumpist Red Cap Cult, and is useful for getting the rubes to contribute to her desperate campaign.

Among other criticisms of McSnarly's behavior, CNN's Anderson Cooper did a skillful takedown of McSnarly's desperate, cynical slur. You can help retire her next November by contributing here to her opponent Dem candidate and former astronaut, Capt. Mark Kelly (USN-retired). 


Anonymous said...

Contributed to Mark again yesterday, and thanks for reminding me how much he needs to be elected to replace that really unpleasant person - (see how nice I was). P.E.C.

Hackwhackers said...

P.E.C. -- Thank you so much, dear friend!