Friday, January 17, 2020

Lying Liars Lie -- Your Periodic Reminder

You'll recall pathological liar Donald "Cadet Bone Spurs" Trump memorably tweeted "All is well!" following the Iranian missile attack on Al-Asad airbase in Iraq last week?  And his Defense Department lackeys and enablers assured us there were no American casualties?  Riiiight!
Several US service members were injured during last week's Iranian missile attack on Al-Asad airbase in Iraq despite the Pentagon initially saying that no casualties had taken place.
"While no U.S. service members were killed in the Jan. 8 Iranian attack on Al Asad Air base, several were treated for concussion symptoms from the blast and are still being assessed," the US-led military coalition fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria said in a statement Thursday.
A US military official told CNN that 11 service members had been injured in the attack, which was launched in retaliation for the US airstrikes that had killed Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani the previous week. Defense One was first to report on the injured service members.  [snip]
Last week, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper had said the initial assessment found only damage to property.
"The current (Battle Damage Assessment) is, if you will, again, we can get you details, things like tentage, taxiways, the parking lot, a damaged helicopter, things like that; nothing that I would describe as major, at least as I note at this point in time. So that's the state of -- of the attack at this point as we know it. Most importantly, no casualties, no friendly casualties, whether they are US, coalition, contractor, etc.," Esper said.  (our emphasis)
Simple rule of thumb: Trump and his criminal regime never deserve the benefit of the doubt on anything.  Kudos to Defense One for uncovering the lies, btw.

Meanwhile, we wish the injured service members a quick and complete recovery.

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