Monday, January 27, 2020

The Shiny Object That Wasn't (UPDATED)

The Bolton bombshell did more than disrupt the cover- up hatched between con man and pathological liar Donald "Impeached Forever" Trump and his evil toad Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell. It's sucking the oxygen out of staged Trump diversions intended to distract from the Senate proceedings.

Trump's latest shiny object is the moribund Israel-Palestinian peace "plan", which Trump and his Israeli counterpart and booster, Likudnik Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu, wanted to announce with fanfare tomorrow to help their political standing. Sadly for them, news about the "plan" was relegated to newspapers' back pages and 20 second soundbites on cable channels, as well as it should have. Trump trotted out his best words for the occasion:
“It’s something they should want,” Trump said in the Oval Office with Netanyahu. “They probably won’t want it initially. I think in the end they will. I think in the end they’re going to want it. It’s very good for them.” [snip]

“We’re going to show a plan. It’s been worked on by everybody and we’ll see whether or not it catches hold. If it does that would be great and if it doesn’t, we can live with it too. But I think it might have a chance,” he said.
"Should want," "I think," "we'll see whether or not it catches hold," "if it doesn't, we can live with it," and "it might have a chance."  Now that's one powerful sales pitch. It probably doesn't help Trump's "peace is at hand" con job when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas -- ostensibly the other participant in the "plan" -- says this:
"Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas commented on Monday to US President Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century" that 'Trump is a dog and the son of a dog,' Fatah officials confirmed. 
'They called me from Washington and I did not pick up the phone,' Abbas said. 'I said no and I will continue to say no...We are going for difficult days and we are beginning to bear the consequences of the refusal. Resistance must be escalated at all points of friction. All young people must be encouraged.'"  (our emphasis)
In metaphoric terms that Trump might relate to, it's not only a building without a roof, it's a building without a foundation. It's fitting that his name should be attached to it.

Within hours of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu withdrawing his immunity request on Tuesday, Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit filed an indictment with the Jerusalem District Court against him for bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

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