Saturday, January 4, 2020

Vid Of The Day -- Pathetic

Doing our part:


  1. they continue to give him credibility when there was never any to begin with

  2. One Fly -- you have to think they see and understand that he's the been the same lying, cheating moron he's always been, but to flog that useful quote from Upton Sinclair once more, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

  3. Going back over recent history and viewing Trump's tweets and TV videos, you see a pattern of projection that makes Epson look amateurish. Add tweets and comments by Hillary Clinton, and the past defines the present. Trump complained and whined and protested everything then that he has done now. He never acknowledges mistakes or missed calls, so whatever he says disappears in his mangled memory banks.

    UpChuck Todd, bothsidesdoit media boss has been notably absent this week, while his coworkers at MSNBC have come back. I think he might have been a teensy bit embarrassed by the hoopla he got after admitting he had been “naive” about Trump and his lies. It would be nice for the media to recognize the warning signs given by Trump himself and by Hillary. Stoopit media needs to wise up.

  4. donnah -- we can always hope, but past performance doesn't offer much basis for it. How they report the Trump regime's "rationales" for this escalation will be telling, one way or the other.
