Monday, February 3, 2020

Limbaugh Reveals Cancer Diagnosis

Far-right hate radio host and pompous lie spinner Rush "Oxycontin Rush" Limbaugh announced on his show this morning that he has advanced lung cancer, saying:
"I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, diagnosis confirmed by two medical institutions back on January 20."
Call us uncharitable, but Limbaugh has been one of the most corrosive, destructive forces in America, broadcasting on right-wing media for three decades. If the issue was a public good, he'd perversely be against it (gun safety, affordable health care, environmental protection, etc.), by passing off lies and half-truths as facts, and smearing the proponents. He enjoyed mocking people personally and relentlessly, from Chelsea Clinton to the NAACP to ethnic Chinese, in a vicious, demeaning way.

He spawned many propagandists / provocateurs of his ilk, from Michael Savage to Glenn Beck when they saw his formula of fleecing the gullible worked, so he'll have that dark legacy. The sad irony is that his wealth will insure that he gets the best treatment even at this stage, after spending decades speaking out against universal, affordable health care for the rest of us.

(image: Limbaugh may be bouncing outta here soon.)


  1. No matter when he croaks the world will be a much better place.

  2. I'm a bad person.

    Therefore, I won't say what I think about Rush.

    But maybe you can imagine it.

  3. One Fly -- Couldn't agree more.

    donnah -- We're bad, too.

  4. Count me among the bad, also, please. And I feel I am in good company. P.E.C.
