Thursday, February 20, 2020

Trump Triggered By Intelligence Briefing To Congress (UPDATED)

Last week, Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire and his key aide on election security Shelby Pierson, briefed members of the House Intelligence Committee and informed them that Russia was again meddling in our elections with the intent of re-electing their asset Donald "Tovarich" Trump in 2020. When he falsely heard, or said he heard, that the briefing was given only to his nemesis, Intel Committee Chair Adam Schiff, Trump blew up at Maguire:
"The president was furious with Maguire and blamed him for the supposed transgression involving Pierson when the two met the next day. 
'There was a dressing down' of Maguire, said one individual, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. 'That was the catalyst' that led to the sidelining of Maguire in favor of Grenell, the person said."  (our emphasis)
Trump knows Russia's on his team, he just doesn't want official confirmation of it. Also, since Trump's corrupt pet weasel Rep. Devin "Numbnuts" Nunes was in the briefing, what are the odds he snitched on Maguire?

Now, Maguire has been removed and replaced in an acting capacity by incompetent Trumpist hack Richard Grenell, because he had the duty to report the intelligence community's assessment of Russia's continued interference in the 2020 elections on the side of their asset.

UPDATE:  Reports are surfacing of "a near meltdown" in the intelligence community over the Grenell- for- Maguire swap.

(photo: "How am I doing so far?")

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