Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- Quid Pro Quo, Assange Edition

Trump's efforts to expunge and/ or rewrite history are an ongoing criminal project, now that he's feeling like a virtual king and (today's ironic howler) the country's "chief law enforcement officer".  With the assistance of his attorney, William "Low" Barr, he's actively pursuing an alternative narrative to the facts concerning Russian efforts to install him in office that the U.S. intelligence community concluded.  He's willing to throw around pardons, bully prosecutors, anything that will allow him to have things go his way.  It's going to continue, so be prepared and push back.

BONUS: Former Congressman Rohrabacher is infamous for his service to Mother Russia. House Rethuglican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy once said "there are two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump."

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