Saturday, March 21, 2020

Bloomberg Drops Super PAC, Funds DNC

Yesterday's announcement that billionaire and former Dem Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg would not create his own Super PAC and pay his campaign workers through November caught most people by surprise. Instead, Bloomberg transferred $18 million from his campaign funds to the Democratic National Committee, and will hand over the office space to them that was rented to support his campaign. It will be up to the DNC to decide which and how many Bloomberg campaign staffers will be hired by them for field operations and other duties.

In a message to the DNC, the Bloomberg campaign wrote:
"While we considered creating our own independent entity to support the nominee and hold the president accountable, this race is too important to have many competing groups with good intentions but that are not coordinated and united in strategy and execution."
If that's true, Bloomberg, who pledged to "spend whatever it takes" to defeat malicious demagogue Donald "Cheat-o" Trump, can be expected to pump megamillions of dollars into the DNC, the Senate and Congressional campaign committees, and such organizations as Voto Latino, Swing Left and Collective Future, which have received financial support from him since he abandoned his run for President. We're hopeful that his decision is of a strategic coordination nature, and not disappointment in his primary defeat. We have a feeling that, if he choses to, he will make a critical difference in offsetting the vast amounts the Trumpists will spend on the reelection of their Dear Leader.


  1. I would like to see TV ads paid for by Bloomberg popping up soon. Republicans will squeal that Biden shouldn't be campaigning during these uncertain times, but we have to realize that Trump has a team in place to smear Biden more than ever before, and they will claim he is affiliated with the Chinese government to cause the virus to spread. They're already at it. We cannot sit around and pretend that Trump isn't going to try to bury Joe.

    I think a couple of low key ads, simply a few clips of Trump saying he isn't responsible, paired with a few words from Biden as rebuttal and reassurance, would imprint on a lot of people. I don't care what Republicans say about it.

  2. donnah -- If not Bloomberg, hopefully some group will air ads that don't allow Trump to evade responsibility for the lack of preparation, and that he placed the health of the stock market over the health of the public for weeks. It looks like Bloomberg will be spreading some major money around, rather that form his Super Pac to run anti-Trump ads. That's the hope at least.
