Friday, March 20, 2020

Trump Ignored 2019 Pandemic Report

Mentally unfit sociopath and pathological liar Donald "Moron Vector" Trump and his cohort are furiously gaslighting us on their lack of preparedness for the COVID-19 outbreak, when in fact an exercise called "Crimson Contagion" in 2019 simulated a flu pandemic and demonstrated how unprepared the country was. He and his senior officials ignored the findings:
"Asked at his news briefing on Thursday about the government’s preparedness, Mr. Trump responded: 'Nobody knew there would be a pandemic or epidemic of this proportion. Nobody has ever seen anything like this before.'

The work done over the past five years, however, demonstrates that the government had considerable knowledge about the risks of a pandemic and accurately predicted the very types of problems Mr. Trump is now scrambling belatedly to address.

Crimson Contagion, the exercise conducted last year in Washington and 12 states including New York and Illinois, showed that federal agencies under Mr. Trump continued the Obama-era effort to think ahead about a pandemic.

But the planning and thinking happened many layers down in the bureaucracy. The knowledge and sense of urgency about the peril appear never to have gotten sufficient attention at the highest level of the executive branch or from Congress, leaving the nation with funding shortfalls, equipment shortages and disorganization within and among various branches and levels of government.

The October 2019 report in particular documents that officials at the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services, and even at the White House’s National Security Council, were aware of the potential for a respiratory virus outbreak originating in China to spread quickly to the United States and overwhelm the nation.

Nobody ever thought of numbers like this,’’ Mr. Trump said on Wednesday, at a news conference.

In fact, they had." (our emphasis)
Our earlier post links to the disturbing news that Trump's gaslighting, aided by many in the broken Beltway media who are desperately trying to make a President out of him, is starting to succeed in the polls. It's essential that his lies and distractions be called out in real time, not after he's moved on to others.

BONUS: Also --



  1. Trump and his team of smug, snotty, unqualified personnel will not be held accountable for all of the people they're killing. They will keep issuing daily self-congratulatory lie-fests and the rubes will declare that their president is a genius who has everything under control. Trump will continue going on the air daily to say how amazing he's being and to tell state leaders that they are on their own to get supplies and support.

    A million Americans could die. Trump will keep denying any responsibility, he will not provide adequate aid or funding, and he will come out looking “presidential” because our cowardly media won't challenge his lies.

    This is our worst hour, and we are in the hands of an incompetent, selfish egomaniac who has no idea what to do.

  2. donnah -- We have to keep the "receipts" because he, his enablers, and some in the Beltway media will gaslight his inaction in the name of "unity." His politicization and delay in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak will cost lives and untold economic pain.
