Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Cover Of The Day: Run Rabbit Run

Erstwhile coronavirus "wartime preznit" and sociopath Donald "Moron Vector" Trump's bone spurs are acting up again. He wants to wave the white flag, abandon the battlefield and get back to his Nuremberg rallies that feed his damaged ego. He wants to run on the economy again, and not public health. He wants to distract from his disastrous behavior for the first two months of the pandemic, where he ignored warnings, claimed that it was a Dem and media "hoax," and that it would disappear like a "miracle." Lost time that can never be regained.

(cover of today's New York Daily News)


donnah said...

Trump, lifelong bully and tyrant, believes he can bend the coronavirus to his will, and not for the benefit of anyone but himself. He wants his stock market up, he wants his golf club open, and he wants his hotels bustling. Nevermind that he'll be stepping over dead bodies as he marches toward Easter.

Hackwhackers said...

donnah -- Exactly. He belongs in psychotherapy, not in the Oval Office.

donnah said...

Yes, in psychotherapy in PRISON.