Thursday, March 5, 2020

"I Really Don't Care, Do U?", Cont'd.

The shameless behavior is shocking, even for her.

Earlier today, First Second Third Lady Melania "Melanie" Trump posed for photos outside the White (Supremacist) House by a "Tennis Pavilion" that she's supposedly overseeing renovations of.

Meanwhile, storm debris fills the streets in Nashville, Tennessee after the devastating tornadoes crashed through on Tuesday, killing at least 24, amid widespread damage.

Not to mention the pandemic of COVID-19 spreading around the globe, including the U.S., that her husband is botching. But getting that "Tennis Pavilion" in shape is job #1 so the Merde-o'-Lardo set can come and play when they're in town.

BONUS: HuffPo's collected an array of responses to "Melanie's" Marie Antoinette moment.

(photos: top, White House, bottom, Mark Humphrey / AP)