Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Trump Lies Again About The Pandemic

As we noted in the post below, sociopathic liar and bumbling grifter Donald "Dear Leader' Trump is trying to gaslight us with lies about recognizing the coronavirus pandemic before others did. In truth, he mocked it and minimized its danger. Fortunately, there are video receipts. Here's a helpful reminder of his "evolution":

Before his lies gets accepted in the chaos, the message in this video should be running on every channel and outlet. That would be a good use of Mike Bloomberg's and Tom Steyer's money. Dear Leader won't take responsibility, so the rest of us need to nail it to him.

BONUS:  Thanks largely to Trump's bungling mis- management and happy talk, here's how far behind other countries we are just in testing for the virus --


BONUS IIGreg Sargent echoes -- don't let Trump get away with evading responsibility for this shitshow.

1 comment:

  1. Cropping that headline to the most obvious: Trump Lies.
