Thursday, April 23, 2020

4.4 Million More File For Unemployment

More bad (but expected) news:
For the week ending April 18, another 4.427 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits. Economists were expecting 4.5 million initial jobless claims to be filed for the week. The prior week’s figure was revised lower to 5.237 million from the previously reported 5.245 million. Over the past five weeks, more than 26 million Americans have filed unemployment insurance claims.
That means the unemployment rate is close to 20 percent now.

It can't be emphasized enough that the magnitude of confirmed COVID-19 cases (conservatively pegged at roughly 850,000) and deaths (conservatively closing in on 50,000) and the amount of economic devastation are a direct result the the bungling incompetence and self- interested inaction of shitwaffle Donald "Moron Vector" Trump from the outset of the pandemic.

November 3, 2020.  Take out the trash.


  1. I'd love to know how many are getting checks. My wife's claim has been "pending" for 5 weeks.

  2. Epic laziness, gross incompetence, proto-fascist core impulses, Republican enabling and serious mental illness have thus delivered this howling nightmare we can never get out of while the impeached President is still in office.

  3. Seafury -- that's outrageous. I guess the state offices are completely overwhelmed by the sudden volume? I wish you guys luck.

    Tom -- it's like a perfect shitstorm, isn't it?!
