Thursday, April 23, 2020

Covidiot Kemp Smacked By His Cult Leader

The reckless decision of Georgia's cowardly Trumpist Governor Brian "COVID Kemp" Kemp to allow such businesses as nail salons, tattoo parlors and gyms to reopen, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, didn't even meet the public health guidelines of his Dear Leader, malignant narcissist and virus-friendly Donald "Moron Vector" Trump. But Kemp clearly thought he would be winning Trump's praise by jumping the gun and needlessly endangering his constituents (and heroic front line essential workers). He would be wrong:
"President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he 'disagreed strongly' with the decision by Georgia's Republican governor to reopen salons, gyms and other nonessential businesses that had been shuttered to contain the coronavirus, saying, 'It's just too soon.'(our emphasis)
As never Trumper Rick Wilson has said, everything Trump touches dies, and it looks like Gov. Kemp's been touched bigly. As an old Hackwhackers proverb goes: "Beware kissing the ass of someone who's incontinent."

(photo: Kemp with Dear Leader. Hand sanitizer anyone?)


  1. You just can't win with this guy. You try to do exactly what he says and he turns on you anyway. Maybe Kemp didn't praise Trump enough when opening the businesses.

    Larry Hogan just found that out this week.

  2. bluzdude -- You said it. His narcissism won't allow him to accept any responsibility, so he buck-passes and throws his supporters under the bus when it serves him.
