Sunday, April 19, 2020

Biden Ad Hits Trump On China

The campaign of incompetent "wartime president" Donald "Cadet Bone Spurs" Trump is rolling out a $10 million ad buy in the battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, risibly trying to tie Joe Biden (!) to China's coronavirus response. The pro- Biden PAC American Bridge has already countered those with a $15 million ad buy in those same states.

Now this new online ad, "Unprepared," from the Biden campaign -- targeted to those same battleground states, plus Arizona, North Carolina and Florida -- provides the facts about Trump's early willingness to trust China's containment efforts and transparency:

Let's hope "all the negative ads in the world world can't change the truth."  Please circulate on your social media platforms!


  1. Joe Biden needs to keep up these powerful ads and needs to maintain a level profile during the pandemic. Trump is going to keep a firm grip on his base, because they are shameless and insane, but he could pick up some voters who realize that Trump has been a total disaster. And people need to see that Biden will be the one to lead the country during these terrible times.

  2. donnah -- it's been hard to get attention in the circumstances we're in. Hopefully selecting a running mate will be the next infusion of excitement, because they certainly need that.

  3. Hack, you know that if Biden and his team did anything more aggressive, the Right would squeal about them trying to capitalize on the pandemic timing. Biden's endorsements have done a nice job of keeping his name in the news without going too big. He's playing it well, I think.
