Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- Provoking And Covering The Ding-Dongs


  1. Here's today's headline in the local newspaper: Ohio Firearm Sales See Massive Surge

    That's right, people are buying more guns to protect themselves from some unseen wave of starving raiders and desperate hoards who are going to sweep in and steal our food and kill us. Thanks to Trump's minions, people are panicking, and they aren't the smart people, but the ones who shoot first and ask questions later.

    I hate (and this word doesn't hold nearly the depth and breadth of my feeling) this president more than ever. He's using his own failings as a fuel to incite riots and outrage against the government. He's already getting people killed with his lack of preparation, and now there will be a wave of murders by ignorant, gun-toting cowards.

    It's too much.

  2. donnah -- and, as we've experienced, it just gets worse the more DOPUS feels threatened. Hang in there!
