Friday, April 24, 2020

Dr. Donnie's Deadly Medicine Show (UPDATED)

Yesterday's daily Trump press room rally was even more bizarre and dangerous than usual, with happy talking moron and con man Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump holding forth on ultraviolet light introduced into the body and disinfectant injections as COVID-19 "cures" The dangerous riff was prompted by the high school science fair - like presentation of a sycophantic hack from the Homeland Security Department (so they're dispensing "medical" advice these days?). The only doctor in the room appeared to be Dr. Deborah Birx, who has been, shall we say, gentle as far as correcting Trump's buffoonery. But here's a clip of her reaction to Trump's Clorox and sunbeam nonsense (her discomfort ramps up at roughly the 25 second point):

Bill "Take This Pill" Bryan, the Homeland Security hack that talked about these new quack cures, has no medical, academic or epidemiological credentials. Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness, wasn't buying the snake oil:
“Everything that this scientist talked about from Homeland Security was basically incoherent, nonsensical, not really supported by evidence and really quite contrary to a lot of things we do know.”
Which puts the "scientist" right in Trump's wheelhouse.

BONUS: More shocked reactions from doctors and scientists: "people will die," "frightening," "extremely dangerous."  Lysol and others had to issue statements warning people against following Trump's insane advice. Watch for stories in the days ahead of his cult members dying from listening to him.

BONUS II: On MSNBC this morning, former Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs on yesterday's advice-dispensing shit show: "It can't be open mic night at the Trump University Medical School."

BONUS III:  Worthy of parody:


UPDATE:  Turns out COVID Donnie's idea about injecting disinfectant wasn't simply an ad lib musing.  A quack "church" con artist wrote him a letter extolling the virtues of industrial bleach as a COVID cure a few days before the shitwaffle blurted it out at Thursday's "open mic night at Trump University Medical School."


  1. Trump has to always be validated. His insecurities are immeasurable. And his vanity and belief that he has a superior brain propel him to say things that make him feel like he's going to solve problems that experts are struggling with.

    His cult will believe whatever he says. His Republican representatives will pretend he didn't say what he said about disinfectants and light being used inside the body. His medical and science team will hastily try to disavow what he said and will try to dismiss the intent. And while it seems impossible to believe, there may be Trump fans who attempt his ridiculous recommendations. And they'll get sick and die.

    First of all, stop airing these pep rally/briefings. If they must go on, just let the scientists and professionals give concise updates and keep the moron-in-chief locked up in his rubber room. He's dangerous and reckless and he will get even more people killed than he already has.

  2. donnah -- It's almost a certainty that some Trump cult members will try his "remedy" and get very sick or die. That happened after he shilled for hydroxychloroquine. His shit show yesterday should be the last straw for TV to air his crazy and self-serving rants, as you suggest, but the media's fascination with his train wreck presidency may be too great to resist.
