Friday, April 24, 2020

QOTD -- Cuomo On Moscow Mitch

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo responding to yesterday's suggestion by Moscow Mitch McConnell that providing funds to state and local governments for COVID-19 relief was a "blue state bailout" and that they consider declaring bankruptcy as an option:
"Don’t help New York because it is a Democratic state. How ugly a thought. Just think of what he’s saying. People died, 15,000 people died in New York, but they were predominantly Democrats, so why should we help them? I mean, for crying out loud, if there was ever a time for you to put aside your pettiness and your partisanship and this political lens that you see the world through — Democrat or Republican, and we help Republicans but we don’t help Democrats — that’s not who we are. That’s just now who we are as a people. If there’s ever a time for humanity and decency, now is the time."
Paul Waldman has more analysis of Moscow Mitch's "factually wrong and so morally revolting" idea at the link, including how "blue" states heavily subsidize "red" states, including McConnell's own Kentucky.

It's a good time to remember that morally bankrupt Moscow Mitch is up for reelection, and he's running against a hero and a star, former Marine Corps pilot Amy McGrath. Consider a contribution to her campaign to help send Moscow Mitch packing.


  1. Cuomo is a force to be reckoned with now. He takes no bullshit from Trump, McConnell, or any other Republicans who make absurd policy claims. Cuomo tells the truth, apologizes when he's wrong, and he is devoutly loyal to New York and New Yorkers. He's smart, savvy, and brutally honest.

    He's like the mirror opposite of Trump.

  2. This confirms what I've been saying for some time now. The US is now two separate nations, and for the blue states, the Trump administration isn't a government -- it's a foreign occupation.

  3. donnah -- he's definitely the anti-Trump now with a daily audience that allows him to show what sane governance looks like.

    Infidel -- it sure feels that way, doesn't it?!

  4. confederate states resisted helping after 9-11
