Wednesday, April 1, 2020

QOTD -- Distraction And Disgrace

"There should have been shame enough in orchestrating the acquittal of an impeached president who, in order to extort help for his reelection campaign, unlawfully withheld security aid to an ally. Shame enough in turning the Senate impeachment trial into a sham by refusing to hear a single live witness.
But it turns out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was just getting started.

"On Tuesday, he added to the disgrace by claiming that impeachment distracted officials from dealing with the coronavirus. Speaking to radio host (and Post columnist) Hugh Hewitt, McConnell said the virus 'came up while we were, you know, tied down in the impeachment trial. And I think it diverted the attention of the government, because everything, every day, was all about impeachment.' [snip]

"For Trump, it’s always about Trump and only Trump. If anything, it was McConnell and his fellow Senate Republicans’ refusal to remove him, not the impeachment itself, that helped bring us to where we are today." -- George Conway, unfortunate spouse of Kellyanne, in today's Washington Post.  We left out the bulk of Conway's indictment of Moscow Mitch McConnell and the Gold- Plated Turd;  it's worth a read.

As we note in yesterday's Tweets of the Day, it only took about a day for the Gold- Plated Turd's grotesque ego to manifest itself and contradict Moscow Mitch's lame distraction gambit. D'oh!

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