Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Trump Won't Open Health Insurance Enrollment

As he uses the COVID-19 pandemic as a cover for things like lowering environmental standards on auto emissions, dangerous sociopath and malignant narcissist Donald "Moron Vector" Trump is reportedly refusing to reopen the enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act to allow people to get needed health insurance. The people of 38 states use the feature of the ACA, or Obamacare, to enroll in affordable health insurance plans:
"President Donald Trump and administration officials recently said they were considering relaunching, the federal enrollment site, and insurers said they privately received assurances from health officials overseeing the law's marketplace. However, a White House official on Tuesday evening told POLITICO the administration will not reopen the site for a special enrollment period, and that the administration is 'exploring other options.'" (our emphasis)
If you think Trump's sincerely "exploring other options" when he has a viable option in front of him, you haven't been paying attention to this sick, petty monster over the past many years.

With his bitter envy of President Obama on almost daily display, Trump won't stop with simply denying a special enrollment period. He wants to destroy President Obama's signature achievement in a moment of this country's greatest health peril:
"It wasn’t immediately clear why the Trump administration decided against the special enrollment period. CMS deferred comment to the White House.

Trump confirmed last week he was seriously considering a special enrollment period, but he also doubled down on his support of a lawsuit by Republican states that could destroy the entire Affordable Care Act, along with coverage for the 20 million people insured through the law." (our emphasis)
Blood on his hands. November can't come soon enough.

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