Friday, April 17, 2020

Quotes Of The Day

From Gov. Andrew Cuomo's news conference today, referring to the need for the Federal government to step up and help with widespread coronavirus testing prior to re- opening businesses:
“We cannot do it without federal help... It's like passing the buck without passing the bucks.”
Dangerous dolt Donald "I Don't Take Responsibility At All" Trump, who was watching Fox "News" instead of pretending to be "president," didn't like that, so he tweeted about not being thanked for all the help "he" had given New York.  Being informed of this,  Cuomo responded in real time (excerpts):
“First of all, if he’s sitting home watching TV, maybe he should get up and go to work, right?  Second, let’s keep emotion and politics out of this, and personal ego if we can. Because this is about the people.”
”I don’t know what I’m supposed to do — send a bouquet of flowers? Thank you again, Mr. President, for the Javits. Thank you for the U.S. Navy ship Comfort, which is just doing your job as president. It’s not really thank you like you wrote a check yourself, but thank you."
“Why don’t you show as much consideration to states as you did to your big businesses and to your airlines?”
The damn narcissistic sociopath needs to get slapped down hard on a regular basis, just like Gov. Cuomo did.  There are limits to everything.


  1. "It’s not really thank you like you wrote a check yourself, but thank you."

    That is the best burn comment on Trump right there. If you can bring in money, that always gets Trump's attention. It is all he cares about.

  2. Cuomo was on fire and he pulled no punches. “How many times do I have to say ‘Thank you’?” Cuomo said. Actually, he shouldn't have to beg for crumbs or kiss Trump's ring for anything. As he said, it's our money! And New York City always acts like the country's bank, sending billions in tax dollars to DC and bailing out other cities and states in times of crisis.

    I'm past being fed up with Trump's narcissistic demands for fealty and constant praise for things he hasn't done and can't do. I'm sick of hearing how he changes his story with every new daily rally on TV and makes claims he can't back up. And I'm really pissed that he incites civil disruption and outright violence with his boneheaded cult members, encouraging them to pressure their local governments to open businesses prematurely, endangering all of the rest of us.

    Who knows what this country will look like by November? I just hope we're all still around to vote this bastard and all of his cronies out. And then load all of them into a rocket and launch it directly into the sun.

  3. I may have to save Cuomo's retort and play it over and over again. It was magnificent!

  4. donnah -- I like that rocket into the sun idea!

    Anon -- always delivered like a tough, street- savvy New Yorker!
