With stay-at-home orders beginning to crack in states under Trumpist rule, political right-wing fundies still can't stop violating common sense social distancing guidelines by packing into the petri dishes they call churches.
The grievance goblins of the Bible banging set are actually, despicably comparing the life-saving guidelines that they refrain from packed church gatherings to the persecution of Jews in Germany. One such homicidal clown, Mat "Lawd 'n Staver" Staver, went on right-wing hate radio to spread the grievance gospel to the aggrieved masses:
"On Todd Starnes’ radio show Wednesday, Mat Staver, founder and chairman of religious-right legal group Liberty Counsel, compared the plight of Christians in America facing enforcement of social distancing restrictions to the kinds of treatment faced by Jews in Nazi Germany.
Liberty Counsel is making the most of the COVID-19 pandemic to portray itself as a defender of embattled religious liberty and push the group’s narrative that Christians in America are facing unprecedented persecution—a narrative that also happens to be one of President Donald Trump’s main tactics for motivating and turning out conservative evangelical voters for his reelection campaign. [snip]
And Staver made what certainly seems to be a comparison to Nazi Germany’s treatment of Jews, though he did not use those exact words:Yes, pretty soon fundies will be forced to wear crucifixes around their necks and.....oh, wait.
'So, it is absolutely—I mean, it’s a targeting. It is, you know, I don’t want to be too melodramatic, but I’m telling you what. You know, this happened before in history. We’ve seen people being targeted, that you are being targeted with a particular symbol that you have to wear. And then so you get targeted with your business, you get terminated from your job, and eventually you get ghettoized.'" (our emphasis)
As the article notes, Staver's outfit is defending Florida's virus-spreading snake charmer Rodney Howard-Browne, whom we wrote about recently, and is behind the COVID-19 friendly "ReOpen Church" campaign that will certainly open church cemetery plots nationwide.
With their insatiable greed, their lack of empathy for immigrants and the poor, their slavish support of morally vile Donald "Golden Calf" Trump, you can add "COVID-19 death cult" to the right-wing fundie movement's description.
Except, of course, that the social-distancing rules they're bitching about are designed to keep them alive, whereas the Nazi persecution of the Jews had decidedly the opposite intent.
ReplyDeleteFundies have been talking like this for years, though. Everything they don't like is the Holocaust. It makes them even harder to take seriously.
infidel -- Exactly, and their record on social justice issues of poverty, racism, etc. is the opposite what they claim to be.
ReplyDeleteBut they do love to play the victims.
And during one of his daily rants last week, Trump managed to squeeze in a Religious Right crowd pleaser, a line about how Christians in the US are persecuted now. He has no religious identity, but he knows that he can keep tossing out those tidbits for his Kristian base and they'll have his back.