Thursday, May 21, 2020

Briefing A Toddler: Trump's Intelligence Briefings


From a report on how very difficult it is to get Very Stable Genius Donald "Super Duper Missile" Trump to focus on his national security briefings (many of which warned of a coming COVID-19 virus):
"Mr. Trump, who has mounted a yearslong attack on the intelligence agencies, is particularly difficult to brief on critical national security matters, according to interviews with 10 current and former intelligence officials familiar with his intelligence briefings.

The president veers off on tangents and getting him back on topic is difficult, they said. He has a short attention span and rarely, if ever, reads intelligence reports, relying instead on conservative media and his friends for information. He is unashamed to interrupt intelligence officers and riff based on tips or gossip he hears from the former casino magnate Steve Wynn, the retired golfer Gary Player or Christopher Ruddy, the conservative media executive.

Mr. Trump rarely absorbs information that he disagrees with or that runs counter to his worldview, the officials said. Briefing him has been so great a challenge compared with his predecessors that the intelligence agencies have hired outside consultants to study how better to present information to him." (our emphasis)
How do you brief an elderly, narcissistic toddler, whose top level appointees have called a "fucking moron," "an idiot," etc.? Cartoons? Nothing over two syllables? We're certain the "outside consultants" have explored those ways of presenting the Presidential Daily Briefings to someone who is so mentally unprepared and emotionally fragile as Trump.

(Image:  Better go with that method.)

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