Thursday, May 7, 2020

Pro-COVID Cultist Crashes Tribute To Nurses

If you wonder when demagogue and mentally unstable con man Donald "Disinfectant Donnie" Trump's tolerance of threats of violence by his unhinged pro-COVID cult will produce actual violence, wait no more. We have just one example right here:
"Salutes to nurses and other health care workers are being held across the country, as America pays tribute during the coronavirus pandemic.

But such a ceremony being held in Delaware County, Pa., was marred when a gun-waving SUV driver crashed a parade of first responders honoring the staff at Mercy Fitzgerald Medical Center Tuesday night...

Police in Darby, Pa., said the male suspect threatened to hurt people while waving the gun."  (our emphasis)
Imagine being so mentally disturbed to want to hurt or kill people that would treat you and protect you if you get COVID-19. The first responders are putting themselves -- and their families -- at risk every day at great personal cost.

The irony would be if this sick clown, who rolled his SUV after a police chase, required hospitalization; no word on whether he did.

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