Friday, May 8, 2020

QOTD -- The Punchable Face With A "Sly Smile"

Crime family consigliere and worst excuse for an Attorney General in history William "Low" Barr was asked in a CBS News interview yesterday about his decision to drop the case against confessed felon Michael Flynn:
After denying he was doing Trump’s bidding, Barr was asked how history would remember this move. “History is written by the winners, so it largely depends on who is writing the history,” he said with a sly smile. (our emphasis)
"Sly smile."  Doubtless he'll be doing everything in his power in the next 6 months to be the one to write that history.  Which is exactly why kneecapping this rotted out regime and the festering Republican Party that props it up is why we must win in 2020 (and beyond).

On a personal note, I'm not inclined to violence, but if I ever got within swinging distance of this smirking sack of shit, I'd happily do the jail time just for the privilege of rearranging his teeth.

BONUS:  Former FBI Special Agent Asha Rangappa has a theory:

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